Sunday, October 30, 2005

New First Class requirements

New First Class Requirement

Beginning January 1, 2006, an additional requirement will be added to the requirements for First Class rank in Boy Scouting. Scouts beginning their First Class requirement work after this date must complete the new requirement. Scouts working on First Class requirements prior to this date will have until June 30, 2006, to complete First Class rank without completing the new requirements.

The new requirement tests the candidate's persuasive communication skills and can help make Scouting available to more boys. It reads as follows:

"Tell someone who is eligible to join Boy Scouts, or an inactibe Boy Scouts, about your troop's activities. Invite him to a troop outing, activity, service project, or meeting. Tell him how to join, or encourage the inactive Boy Scout to become active."

The 2006 requirements book will be updated with this new information.">New First Class requirements... - Advancement Resources - SCOUTER Interactive - Your Guide to Scout Out the Net! SCOUTER Magazine and Network: "New First Class Requirement

Beginning January 1, 2006, an additional requirement will be added to the requirements for First Class rank in Boy Scouting. Scouts beginning their First Class requirement work after this date must complete the new requirement. Scouts working on First Class requirements prior to this date will have until June 30, 2006, to complete First Class rank without completing the new requirements.

The new requirement tests the candidate's persuasive communication skills and can help make Scouting available to more boys. It reads as follows:

'Tell someone who is eligible to join Boy Scouts, or an inactibe Boy Scouts, about your troop's activities. Invite him to a troop outing, activity, service project, or meeting. Tell him how to join, or encourage the inactive Boy Scout to become active.'

The 2006 requirements book will be updated with this new information."

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Why Do We Have Campfires Fires?


I hear and I forget.
I see and I remember.
I do and I understand.

At 12 years old (mol) a boy's world is made up of Earth Wind Air and Fire.
He will seldom consider that a fossil fueled central heated home with running water , hot water ontap and inside plumbing is a recent phenomenon and that at sometime in his life he may not have ready access to one.

At 12 years old a boy's world of food is that framed by his mother, a biog box super market and McDonalds's etc and that at sometine in his life he may have to observe ,track , hunt down, kill, clean and cook and eat his own food....

Scouting will save him some of that anxiety or pain of ignorance and with such skills he could really help others at all times, not just the good times....

Survival is too important to be left to well intentioned but inept organizations who can jet about to safety while others drown in the big picture.....

Support scouting because the life a scout saves might be yours....


A. J. Mako wrote:


> Why do we even have fires?

Friday, October 21, 2005

Emergency Go Bag

Emergency Go Bag
This is a real good example of a go bag for emergency preparedness.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Merit Badges

At The last meeting we discussed Merit badges. Beginning a badge is easy. Just see a leader for a merit badge Blue card, get the booklet on the subject, call your councilor and get started. You will find resources on our web site. You will also find a list of merit badge councilors. On the same page you can request a Merit Badge book from the Troop library.

The hardest part is just getting started.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Lifehacker, the Productivity and Software Guide

Lifehacker, the Productivity and Software Guide: "Duct-tape To Go
READ MORE: DIY, Duct Tape, Fun, Top, tricks

Ah. Duct-tape. That salve to repair all ills. Great adhesive of life, universal solution to all fix-it woes, sticky lovely stuff.

I never go anywhere without taking some duct tape along. I wrap a short length around a small pencil. Whenever I need some, I just unroll and tear.

Don’t deprive yourself of Duct Tape. Take it with you when you go."

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Feds see higher heating costs, colder temperatures - Oct. 12, 2005

ong>A Scout is Thrifty-- What can we do in Scouting to help keep the heating bills down?
Feds see higher heating costs, colder temperatures - Oct. 12, 2005: "NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - A government report issued Wednesday predicts large jumps in heating bills for Americans this winter and continued high oil prices in 2006 due to slightly colder temperatures and the continuing impact of hurricanes Katrina and Rita on the nation's energy production.

The Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates that heating bills for all fuel types will cost Americans about one-third more this winter on average, assuming typical weather. A colder-than-normal winter could lift energy prices nearly 50 percent.

The three-quarters of Americans who use natural gas to heat their homes could see even greater sticker shock when they get their fuel bills, the agency warned. It sees the cost to heat by gas rising 47.6 percent in the case of typical weather to $1,096, and by more than two-thirds to $1,242 in case of colder-than-expected weather.

Even a warmer-than-expected winter will see natural gas heating bills rise 29.8 percent to $964, according to forecasts.

Households that primarily heat their homes with electricity however, can expect to pay about 5 percent more on average compared to last year, the agency said.

Even though the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration is predicting that the 2005-2006 winter will be for warmer-than-normal across much of the central and western United States, forecasters are predicting slightly colder temperatures than last season based on heating degree-days, the EIA said in its report.

'The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration projects a 0.4 percent colder winter in the lower 48 states, in terms of heating degree-days relative to normal winter weather, which would be 3.2 percent colder than last winter,' the EIA said in its annual winter fuels outlook report.

Heating degree days are calculated by the difference between 65 degrees Fahrenheit and th"

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

MacGyver Tip: Duct Tape Your Remote - Lifehacker

Even More Duct Tape!!!!
MacGyver Tip: Duct Tape Your Remote - Lifehacker: "MacGyver Tip: Duct Tape Your Remote
READ MORE: Duct Tape, MacGyver, TV, Top, tricks

Do your remote controls have a secret life? When you’re not looking, do they sneak off to a magical appliance world where they party all night, knock back the AA’s, and hang out with the skankiest singleton socks that escaped from your dryer? If you have trouble keeping track of your remote controls, today’s MacGyver-worthy tip should keep your remotes anchored in this reality: duct-tape tails.

Attaching a duct-tape tail to your remotes increases their visibility and makes them almost impossible to lose. The remote may work its way into cracks between sofa cushions or into the space under a lounge chair, but the tail won’t make it in. And if you use a strongly-contrasting duct-tape color, the remote will never be able to “hide” on a black table.

You’ll want to keep the tail about 18” long, so measure out about 40” of duct tape. Attach the first end to the bottom of your remote, below the lowest button. Carefully loop the duct tape in half, folding it carefully as you attach it to itself. There should be an inch or two left at the top after folding to complete the attachment to the remote. If space permits, add an additional “belt” of tape where the tail meets the remote. Hat tip to Alfredo Sadun."

More Duct Tape

Lifehacker, the Productivity and Software Guide: "Next time you injure yourself during an intense DIY repair session, there’s no need to slap on a cartoon-covered band-aid from your kids’ stash. 3M and Nexcare recently introduced Duct Tape bandages, suitable for adult DIY-ers. It’s nothing more than a silver-colored band-aid, but it separates the men and women from the boys and girls. According to Cosmetics Design, DIY is the new “personal care target”.
Duct Tape Bandaid"

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Just a Bump in the Beltway

What's The Scout Moto"???
What can we do to be prepaired???

Just a Bump in the Beltway: "BY JENNIFER LOVEN

WASHINGTON - President Bush, increasingly concerned about a possible avian flu pandemic, revealed Tuesday that any part of the country where the virus breaks out could likely be quarantined and that he is considering using the military to enforce it.

'The best way to deal with a pandemic is to isolate it and keep it isolated in the region in which it begins,' he said during a wide-ranging Rose Garden news conference.

The president was asked if his recent talk of giving the military the lead in responding to large natural disasters such as Hurricane Katrina and other catastrophes was in part the result of his concerns that state and local personnel aren't up to the task of a flu outbreak.

'Yes,' he replied.

After the bungled initial federal response to Katrina, Bush suggested putting the Pentagon in charge of search-and-rescue efforts in times of a major terrorist attack or similarly catastrophic natural disaster. He has argued that the armed forces have the ability to quickly mobilize the equipment, manpower and communications capabilities needed in times of crisis."